
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why should I work?

26 Years of being responsible every day of my life and I finally break $100,000 in income. What do I get

* Not to deduct an IRA

* Not get the dependent credit

* Not get the child care credit

* Not get to deduct my wife%26#039;s education costs

And NOT get to keep 50% of the money I earned.

Is this what%26#039;s ment by having the wealth (and I%26#039;m a long way%26#039;s from weathy) pay thre fair share.

Why should I work?

I agree the more you work the more you pay to the government.

It is a vicious circle. We are paying for the deadbeats here.

Those that want and expect handouts. We are paying for the War. Also all the benefits and programs our government offers.

What is the answer?

Well I like the flat tax rate. Everyone pays the same and is responsible for paying there share or work it off. Money and manhours are equal. If you can not pay the governement then you should work off your share. Help at the Boys %26amp; girls club, work on our roads, sweep the streets etc etc etc.

The way it is now, those with money pay for those that dont have any. This is destined for failure. Because why should the lower class work if the upper class pays their way?

Welfare is easy to get, so it food stamps, so it commodities.

We pay for this from our wages and profits.

Lets get a President and Cabinet that will push through the Flat Rate Tax. This is the best way to go. Let keep our money for our Children, their education and to get their lives off on the right foot.

Why should I work?

Because being a parasite is beneath you, don%26#039;t you think?

Why should I work?

...%26quot;quit%26quot; !!!! sit on your *** ! enjoy ! have a beer ! relax, you can%26#039;t take it with you......!

Why should I work?

You need to keep working so you have Internet capabilities to whine

Why should I work?

its because the man is trying to keep you down man....

Why should I work?

Congratulations you are wealthy enough where you don%26#039;t have to decide whether to buy food or medicine. You are in a position to not worry about having a house to live in. Not everyone is as fortunate. Those folks aren%26#039;t lazy. There a bunch of reasons for that condition. Them that can should pay those that can%26#039;t shouldn%26#039;t

Why should I work?

What are your other options? Pick one and go from there.

Just remember

Welfare ain%26#039;t all its cracked up to be.

Why should I work?

*Did you go to a good college? If not, go to one!!!

*Find a better job!

*In a decent job, you earn money for your family, which is good!

*You will probably be happier (it may not seem this way but it is) with a decent job!

*Make sure you enjoy the job that you take.


Why should I work?

I hear you, man.

Until we overhaul our tax system (and doing so means electing sensible congresspeople), there%26#039;s not much we can do about it. BUT, since you brought up the idea of having wealth, I%26#039;d like to share my thoughts.

Having wealth to me means having more income coming in than expenses going out. I think that%26#039;s how it%26#039;s framed in the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. If you haven%26#039;t read this, you must. It will give you concepts to increase this wealth. No, it%26#039;s not a scam, just financial sense that most people don%26#039;t get.

The other way of having wealth appreciating what you already have (a great spouse, a home, a good job, supportive parents, etc.) and what you DON%26#039;T have (a nasty boss, bad health, etc.). It was hard for me to think of these terms but it%26#039;s very rewarding.

Congrats on reaching $100K!!! Good for you, and I hope you and your wife have more successes to come. Perhaps you should also read about the fair tax idea at and get motivated to contact your congresspeople. Hm, I think I will, too.

Why should I work?

Good for you. However, may I point out a few things to you......please read the following and count your blessings.....

Dear Yahoo!:

What is the average salary in the United States?


New Bern, North Carolina

Dear Bob:

In our quest to find your answer, we uncovered almost as many ways to figure salaries as there are workers in the U.S. Most authorities report %26quot;average income,%26quot; which can include not just salary, but interest income, retirement benefits, and other sources of money as well.

Narrowing our search to %26quot;salary,%26quot; we found that the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the average annual wages in the U.S. as $36,764 for 2002. More recently, the White House reports that the average hourly earnings of nonsupervisory workers was $15.54 in March 2004. The White House also gets its information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which states that in that same month, the average wage for workers in the private sector was around $520 a week

You are making almost 3 times the average salary of we %26quot;joes and janes%26quot; out stop whining.

Why should I work?

I work 60 hours a week educating other people%26#039;s kids. I have to jump through all sorts of flaming hoops and write more and more graduate research papers every year to prove I%26#039;m worthy of being in a position to be physically assaulted by 8th and 9th graders and verbally assualted by parents calling me a liar for giving their can-do-no-wrong kids detentions for misbehavior.

After 17 years of being responsible doing this terrific job, thanks partly to bearing the undesirable social status of middle-aged white male, I still haven%26#039;t broken $40,000 in income.

So are you proposing that I should pay more taxes so that you can keep more of your money? You%26#039;re complaining about only making 100k? Yes, that%26#039;s what I call having the wealth.

You%26#039;re complaining about income tax, but you realize we%26#039;re both paying plenty in federal taxes that are embedded in all the goods and services we buy?

How about if we work to have less government involved in every aspect of life so that we can both keep more of what we earn?

Why should I work?

Go into politics. They are the ones that made the system this way. They punish you for being successful. However they leave loopholes for themselves. Why did they do this? Mose people think of themselves as poor or not very rich. They use this get more votes, to get more power, to get more money for themselves. Everyone wants a free ride.

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