
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bantam Rooster Help....Please!?

Yesterday morning I found my Bantam Rooster with his leg caught in some chain link fence. I have called every damn vet here and there isn%26#039;t any that looks at chickens. The only 1 vet that does... doesn%26#039;t accept Care Credit. I%26#039;m at my wits end because I%26#039;m not sure what to do?

I can%26#039;t tell if his leg is broken and I feel so bad not knowing what to do. He tries to walk but just flaps his wings and stumbles around.

I%26#039;ve looked up online as to what I can possibly do but can%26#039;t find anything. Can someone, anyone please help me? I don%26#039;t want to have him put to sleep, but I also don%26#039;t want him to suffer....what can I do %26amp; how do I tell if his leg is broken? My brother told me I can put a splint on it%26#039;s leg but I%26#039;m afraid to even try to do anything for fear of hurting him even further.

If it%26#039;s not broken will it heal on it%26#039;s own? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Bantam Rooster Help....Please!?

oh gosh...... he may of just sprained it. keep him comfortable. if it is broken, when he moves it will flop around a lot. I had a hen with a broken leg that lived for 2 years, and layed an egg every day. so he MAY be o.k. just keep food and water near him, until he shows improvement. I do hope he is okay. Do let me know if he makes it. My prayers are with you :)

Bantam Rooster Help....Please!?

See if the animal shelter will have any advice.

Bantam Rooster Help....Please!?

Is there maybe a petting zoo around or a farmer who deals in chickens. They may be interested in taking the animal. How many days since the bird got cuaght? The bone will heal on its own if it was broken but there is a strong possibility that it will not heal right and make him lame. If you do decide to splint the leg be sure you have someone to hold the bird because Banty%26#039;s are notoriously mean and will attack.

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