
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Problems paying credit card bills online?

Does it aggravate you when companies encourage you to do all of your business online (to save THEM the cost of paper, postage and handling), and then throw an impossible number of hurdles at you to keep you out of your own account?

My latest hassle is caused by my using a different PC than last time. Naturally, since I%26#039;m using the Library%26#039;s system! And they refuse to give me an access code by email, only by phone--to my office! On the weekend! I know they%26#039;re trying to protect my account, but this seems like technological overkill. All they have to do is ask the other security questions.

Oh, and you can%26#039;t contact them to complain unless you can log in!

Not all are like this, some only care what the account number is and where the money is coming from.

What have your experiences been?

Problems paying credit card bills online?

I check my online bills at least weekly and pay as I go because there is never a guarantee the ISP won%26#039;t be done, their site won%26#039;t be hacked, or there would be a power outage.

Some onlines will also let you link to a bank account where they will just pull it all out on the due date--have used that feature in the past as well.

The laws don%26#039;t favor them if they let someone access your accounts, so they do this to protect themselves and you%26#039;ll always %26quot;pay%26quot; for the convenience of online pay. You could cut them a check--and if it%26#039;s issued by a huge place like Chase, you can go to your local affiliate with cash or check and the account info and pay them in person.

Problems paying credit card bills online?

I really dont have any problem paying my mortgage, car loan, and one credit card through online. I have been doing this for 5 years now, save me some time and stamps, and I transfered some money to savings I do that online too but every transaction there%26#039;s either confirmation number, and don%26#039;t forget to print a receipt after you made every transaction. Put it in your file and save it in case you need it or if you need to ask question, just give transaction or confirmation number. If for some reason they will not give you these details (which is very rare for online payment), still print the payment site and whatever information there.

Problems paying credit card bills online?

I don%26#039;t use their websites to pay online. I use my bank%26#039;s online billpay. There%26#039;s no fees and I get to control all the transactions. I can set up recurring payments for things like mortgage, cable and phone. I can schedule payments in advance. Yet, I can change or cancel any payment up to two days before the due date.

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