
Saturday, October 31, 2009

If you didn't care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

I just found this question in the family category so I don%26#039;t take credit for it.

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

I would tell my Mother-in-law that she is a manipulative scraggy old vindictive b*tch and to get the h*ll out of my face and leave my partner alone as he is a grown up now as are her other children so stop with the emotional blackmail as we all know she is doing it despite what she thinks, and as far as I am concerned she can f*ck right off . Gosh that felt good!

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

I have been telling my guy%26#039;s family off for a few years now. His sister doesn%26#039;t drink. (we do) and she earns more money that we do, so she thinks her doo-doo doesn%26#039;t stink.

The last time she tried to tell me what to do, I told her to get her own house in order before she criticized mine. I haven%26#039;t heard from her since. Fortunately, she lives in another state, so I haven%26#039;t actually had the %26quot;pleasure%26quot; of he company for a couple of years. I%26#039;ll be seeing her this year, but I%26#039;m staying in a motel.

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

family peace is the last thing i worry about -- i just call a spade a spade and let the chiips fall!!!! less problems in the long run!!!

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?


If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

%26quot;See you in the afterlife!%26quot;. That%26#039;s what I%26#039;d say to the ones that are living, wherever they are!

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

I guess i am very lucky, I get along with my family and my husbands family, the older I get to more I realize how important they are to me, so I would Say i love %26amp; care about you

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

Please stay out of my space, I cannot stand you. Do not call here on the telephone you bore me to death with your mean gossip. Please goooooooooo awayyyyyyyyy.

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

I am a personality that depresses rather than making waves. Bad on me, but I find that speaking up does just as much harm to them, as they may be doing to me. Not worth it. I believe in the Golden Rule, so I try to be as kind as possible. Ironically, right now I have been crying for 2 days over something my son and daughter did to me, but since they have rights as adults, I cannot change them. The hurt will heal, and I truly believe they did not do what they did on purpose....just a divorced family siutation and no winners anywhere. I choose my battles, and this isn%26#039;t one of them.

And probably, just as I did with many others, after I am dead, they will understand that their perspective and mine were different, and I truly was a good person. Too late. In the meantime, I have friends galore who give me love and I return it to as many as I encounter. I volunteer and mentor, and try not to focus on how I wish things were.

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

We mind our business and they mind theirs.

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

Well be honest and tell them what you think let them know its oyur life but out or get out..

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

It would depend on the person, there are couple that what I have to say to them would probably get me kicked of YA permanantly. I wrote then deleted what I would say to one person, I keep telling my self to forgive them for all the things they have done, but even though I wish them no harm, I%26#039;d really like to put one bug in their ear, and see how high and mighty they felt then. It%26#039;s really hard to keep a secret that you know would devastate someone, and not tell them when they have wronged you. But God don%26#039;t like ugly (actions) so I won%26#039;t ever tell it. To the rest of my family I would tell each one of them I love you and miss you (we live all over the US), and that goes for the in-laws too.

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

I DO care about keeping the peace. When it comes to family and friends the best advice is, %26quot;If you can%26#039;t say something nice then you%26#039;d best say nothing at all.%26quot;

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

What could I possibly have done to make you keep me from the grandchildren? I was both mother and father to you, kept a roof over your head and food on the table, now I am not good enough?

Gotta go now, thanks for the chance to vent.

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

That to much for me. Dr. Phil would give a good answer.............

If you didn%26#039;t care about keeping the peace, what would you tell your family (inlaws included)?

Well nothing of course. I f I did not care about keeping the peace then I would have nothing to say. On the other hand, since I do care, I will have plenty of things to say.

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