
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I am looking to open a checking account, but my credit is terrible. What should I do?

I%26#039;m 28 years old. I haven%26#039;t had a checking account in almost 3 years because I overdrew by about $120.00 and the bank canceled my account. Not until now did I realize that I have yet to pay that back. I will take care of that, but will that help? I%26#039;m looking to cash some stocks so I%26#039;ll have about $5,000.00 to reopen another account. Will that be enough to get an account somewhere despite my bad credit?

I am looking to open a checking account, but my credit is terrible. What should I do?

Yes, just go to another bank...They don%26#039;t usually care about your credit, if you are putting money in their bank....Booya!! They are happy!!

I am looking to open a checking account, but my credit is terrible. What should I do?

The $120.00 dollars may have increased slightly but the bank havent ever taken any court action over this and it shouldnt really reflect upon your credit rating. If you go to that bank and pay the overdraft off and pay another $5,000 dollars in they will most likely open another account for you. The fact that you have not forgotten your debt and after time have returned to pay the money and any interest accrued will actually stand you in good stead with the bank in question. They will consider you a lower risk, although you had a debt that you have left for 3 years you have returned to clear that debt. They will probably not offer you an overdraft straight away but you probably wont need one and aslong as you keep money flowing into the account (such as your wages etc) after time this will enhance your credit rating with that bank.

I am looking to open a checking account, but my credit is terrible. What should I do?

if you walk in there with a $5000 check most banks will give you a checking account. better luck this time.

I am looking to open a checking account, but my credit is terrible. What should I do?

Your best bet is to try a credit union. They do not subscribe to the efunds system, so they will have no access to your overdraft history.

Contrary to another post, $5,000 won%26#039;t come anywhere close to enticing a bank to bend the rules. Even $5,000,000 won%26#039;t.

I am looking to open a checking account, but my credit is terrible. What should I do?

You might be in trouble. If you dress well and introduce yourself to the manager, usually they will help you out any way they can. It might take a few weeks for them to create an exception for you.

Also, you might get lucky and they won%26#039;t even care. This time be more careful.

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