
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don't?

example- bankruptcy act, tax cuts, credit rates, interest rates, gas prices

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don%26#039;t?

Kanye West said it best! Just take out a word and make it %26quot;PEOPLE%26quot;!

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don%26#039;t?

Nope, and that%26#039;s half the controversy with illegal aliens...they%26#039;re being used as a tool to wrench around the working class...

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don%26#039;t?

All Bush cares about are: 1. how history will look upon him 2. his Big Oil buddies. He doesn%26#039;t give a crap about the common, ordinary man who works for a living. He%26#039;s a disgrace to the office of President and is a pathetic example of a human being.

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don%26#039;t?

Any one who construes the tax cut as being bad for blue collar, obviously doesn%26#039;t understand economics. As for credit rates, interest rates and gas prices, these are market driven not government mandated. Finally, the bankruptcy act is in the best interest of all Americans, for when it comes to a bankruptcy we all pay for it through higher interest rates. Lenders are not going to lose money, they will just spread the risk among the rest of us.

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don%26#039;t?

No President truly cares about the blue collar America. Whether Republican or Democrat.

If you have money to burn, then they care about you.

We, the people, have been in Bankruptcy since we were born. This started when the Federal Reserve was allowed to operate in the U.S., and was made worse when FDR sold our gold. Then compounded when Johnson took away our silver and worsen when Nixon took us off the Gold Standard in 1971.

When we went off the Gold Standard, that is when Gas Prices, Interest Rates and other increases began skyrocketing.

Today, the Oil Company (there are no longer the individuals they were since the 70%26#039;s) has too much control in Politics and Business. With the money they have, they can dictate to the Government the demands they wish. Whether it%26#039;s Bush, Gore, Clinton or other President.

If you want these things to stop, you have to Stop using Federal Reserve created money, stop using gasoline and other luxuries owned by the Federal Reserve, Oil Companies and other Big Business%26#039;.

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don%26#039;t?

How do tax cuts hurt blue collar workers? (They got them) How does a strong economy, inspite of a war and fuel prices, hurt blue collar workers? How does a home buyer%26#039;s market hurt blue collar workers? How do low unemployment and rising wages hurt blue collar workers? You make absolutely no sense. That Kool-Aid sure tastes good, huh?

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don%26#039;t?

so you see the truth my friend that bush has raised taxes on those making less then 30,000 a year and lowered them on people making above this income level.thats the break between whites and minoritys .most whites earn above 30,000 a year and there counter parts make around 20-25 .WHITES pay whites better so a black drywall guy makes 12 and a white guy make 16 seem fair well it is%26#039;nt and bush is concerned with whites only and the areas destroyed by katrina that have gotten the most help are white communities .

You seem to forget bush is a racist as well ---do not forget he cut veterans benefits and attemted to reduce military pay.ACTIVELY recruitting in black communitys.IT IS hard to get alot of war footage because people would notice the 60 40 split 60% black and only 40% white .HE does not even risk white troops as much as blacks.

GET it through your head bush hates the poor and feels they are a burden on america and should be jailed .GET A job is the cry of all conservatives but government jobs are full and defense contractors will only hire whites .BLACK men must toote the bricks and mix the mortar and build the white mans jails.THEN he must serve on average almost 35% more time for the same crime.

THERE is no justice when corrupt people lead america and it has been that way for 200 years .

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don%26#039;t?

I don%26#039;t really know if the question is whether or not he cares. It is more can he relate to blue collar america? And, Is he smart enough to come up with effective resolutions? Personally I think those are the issues and I think that the answer to both would be %26quot;no%26quot;.

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don%26#039;t?

I get the impression that he thinks they are a comedy group

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don%26#039;t?

Yes. He cares so much about blue collar Americans that he wants everyone--except for his power base--to be forced into that category. The %26#039;middle-class%26#039; has become the latter-day proletariat to be the funding base for Bush%26#039;s democratization of the world. All the examples you list are perfect examples of this new tyranny. The upsetting thing is most Americans seem (a) unaware of what%26#039;s happening, (b) easily diverted from asking questions that would reveal his strategy, (c) more afraid of terrorists than of losing Constitutional rights, (d) without a Fourth Estate (journalists) to uncover the scheme and keep it in their faces, (e) uninterested and/or unwilling to fight the darkness overtaking America until is too late, and (f) are religious fanatics supporting Bush%26#039;s work as divinely driven.

Does bush care about blue collar america? his policies don%26#039;t?

The first two examples you give actually do benefit %26quot;blue collar%26quot; America. By making people more accountable for their own debts it reduces the amount of %26quot;make-up%26quot; that is necessary for lending institutions to charge on other customers. Tax cuts do benefit the middle class directly and indirectly by putting more money in circulation.

The last three examples are not set by the president, congress, or anyone other than the Federal Reserve and the free market. I agree that the Federal Reserve is a travesty (the Beast from Jekyl Island and all that).

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