
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Universal health care?

Let%26#039;s look at this for what it is... Baby boomers.

When they were young, credit card interest was tax deductable. This changed because too many of them were taking advantage of it. Prior to this, it was taboo to use credit except for homes and perhaps automobiles.

They have proliferated on having a large voting voice of common interests, driving up CEO salaries, etc... A college degree used to guarantee a very good salary, but sadly not these days. Now you need an MBA. This seems as if it was another way of keeping the baby-boom generation in the high-end jobs.

Now that the baby-boomers are nearing retirement, is it just one more thing they are all going to jump aboard? As they age, their medical costs are going to sky rocket, and they don%26#039;t want to pay for it. Do they want you, the next generation, to pay for it?

No conspiracy theory, just an analysis of such a large voting group with common interest. Is it fair, or should we unite and make them pay back into the system?

Universal health care?

As a baby boomer.

You are mostly correct.

Doctors made house calls until the government and insurance made it too expensive for the doctors to come to your house.

Credit was only used for Homes and cars in the 50%26#039;s.

CEO salaries went through the roof because they could insist on them.

I do not want Universal health care because it will cause taxes to jump about 30%.

It is the Socialists in government you should point the finger at. People like Pelosi, Kennedy, and Clinton not the baby boomers.

NOTE most of the answers say %26quot;every one deserves health care%26quot; they do not say they need to work to get it because they are thinking like a socialist and do not want to earn anything.

Universal health care?

Still, universal health care makes sense. We all need to be taken care of.

Universal health care?

america should step into the 21 century and socialize medicine, much the same as many european nations and canada. that way, its good for everybody in so many different ways...think about it with an open mind.

Universal health care?

is it fair? probably not but your generation will have to foot the bill for these baby boomers. this is because the baby boomers are in congress and the senate and who do you think will push the legislation? AARP. I belong to AARP and the AMA will back them up to..between the two biggest lobbyist in Washington DC who do you think will be get the benefits in the next generation or two? by that time your generation will be retiring and passing the buck to yet another generation...if the system is still around by then. Good Luck and thanks for paying our Social Security and future health benefits.

Universal health care?

I have always suspected them of most of our problems. I was just watching a very liberal baby boomer calling a person a racist for using the term %26quot;illegal alien%26quot;. I have a theory that most of the politically correct crap starts out in the minds of liberal baby boomers.

Universal health care?

I%26#039;m just wondering when it became the Governments job to take care of me. I always thought that I was responsible for my choices and actions just like everyone else is supposed to be.

Oh well.

Universal health care?

I don%26#039;t think we should have to carry anybodys weight for them.Make people pay for their own medical expenses.I%26#039;ve always had to so why can%26#039;t everyone else?All we need are more people who have never paid a tax a day in their life claiming free medical expenses or comming to America and expecting us to give them everything we ourselves have had to work for.What is this with so many people wanting others to pay their way?That%26#039;s not what our taxes were supposed to be used for.We can%26#039;t afford to pay for everyones unwillingness to take care of themselves.I believe in temporary help to give people the tools they need to get by on their own but not to keep giving to them until they can no longer take care of themselves.That%26#039;s economic suicide.

Universal health care?

Very bad idea.

You%26#039;d trust the people who have raped the social security system with all that money?

You%26#039;re willing to pay 60 -70% income tax to support the system?

Universal health care?

That%26#039;s the most ridiculous excuse I%26#039;ve heard yet. Blaming them for being born - then paying in their entire life - then retiring. Jeez, what will the greedy cons think of next to justify being such humanitarian douche bags?

Universal health care?

ok lets examine socialized medicine in all its %26quot;glory%26quot; i understand that people feel that medical costs are rising to fast. i have even heard people say that doctors get payed to much. how much is a medicine that can save your life worth to you? people will ask you %26quot;can you put a price on your life?%26quot; and people always answer %26quot;No%26quot; but i guess they can because they feel that the price of a doctor visit is to high. they feel that the price of a heart transplant is to high. even though most ever hospital on earth will set up payment plans. and of course all payed medical bills are tax deductible. lets now look to canada. where if you have a brain tumor you will die. why do you die, well because first you are put on a list to get the MRI that can locate the tumor, then you are put on a list so it can be operated on. so what do canadians do? well i have a close family friend Chuck Hicks, he is the head nurse for the entire hospital in Ada Minnisota. a hospital who finds that each year 50-605 of their patients are people from canada who drive down and pay out of pocket for our medical care instead of waiting for canadian health care. there was a time in amercia when the people had pride. they worked hard and never felt that anyone especially the government owed them anything. someone got sick and accrued medical bills the family went to work and pitched in to help pay for the bills. now we are pathetic and lazy. we want the government to pay for everything for us. raise our kids pay for my health, send me to college pay for my food, live my life for me. and so now we want socailized medicine. well you can rest assured that i will never be party to socialized medicine. because no matter what ever happens, your sickness, your pain, is not my problem it is yours. my bad knees, ,y bad shoulder, by current flu, is not now nor will it ever be your problem. it is my problem. i do not want your money to pay my meidcal bills. and i will not give you my money to pay yours. by that way if you do your research on the subject the cancer research in ENGLAND, is on par with a third world country. ENGLAND!! YOU KNOW WHY? SOCIALIZED MEDICINE DOESNT WORK.

Universal health care?

Universal health care, makes since for the younger generation. The baby boomer will die off and are more than willing to pay a doctor to get the meds. But forget about them its high time you young people stand and make some noise are you%26#039;ll just be saying the status qua is just fine, come guys what will be the cost of living in 10 years and with communist China supplying most goods that leaves you with the have and have nots in the USA. Should we start a new baby boom to fend off the Chinese


What are you talking about, everything you buy is from China and at all stores, a house well if we cut the trees the global warming is going to get us. People who can afford health insurance will still have it and Universal health care will be for people that work but the people they work for are to cheep to pay them enough to afford insurance, like the people that serve your burger, like your saying serve me but Fock You if you can%26#039;t afford it.

Universal health care?

Should we pay for heath care because everyone needs it to survive?

What else do we need to survive?

Food: We need food to survive. I propose Universal Grocery care for all.

Energy: We all need energy to survive. Free gasoline for everyone! Yay! No more paying my electric bill! Yay! Universal Gas and Utility Care!!

Homes: We all need to live somewhere. Free Universal Housing for everybody!

Of course, there are strings attached. If the government is going to provide all these things that you need to survive then they get to tell you how to live too. Bye bye freedom!

As California Senator Tom McClintock once said,

%26quot;When the government is in charge of something you can bet on two things. It will be really cheap for them and it will be really inconvenient for you.%26quot;

Think about that when you%26#039;re paying for your groceries at the predetermined supermarket for a predetermined product with your food voucher that is way far from where you live in your government housing. You%26#039;ll be walking of course, after having used up all of your energy vouchers on gas and electricity rations. When you get sick from being outside, you%26#039;ll wait for 6 months for treatment and then die like they do in Canada.

Welcome to the (insert the name of your Cold War era Eastern European block nation here)!

Universal health care?

Once the boomers retire, they get univeral health care, in the form of Medicare.

But many working people DON%26#039;T have healthcare coverage because their employers are small businesses who can%26#039;t afford it or because they are stuck working several part-time or contract jobs that don%26#039;t provide it. And their kids don%26#039;t have coverage either.

These are hard-working working-class and middle class people we%26#039;re talking about. Not your mythical greedy baby boomer.

Universal health care?

I think you%26#039;ve missed something in your analysis . For at least a decade , credit card companies have been doling out credit cards to college students, like it was candy . So it isn%26#039;t the baby boomers alone , in fact I%26#039;d bet that statistics would show that generations after the baby boomers have more credit debt per capita , than the boomers .

Separately , National Healthcare will never work unless and until , malpractice lawsuits are limited . . . .. .and it%26#039;s the Democrats blocking that very legislation .

Universal health care?

Conservatives claim to appeal to human rights, but don%26#039;t support even support a basic right to life. Then they come down on liberals for believing in abortion. Who should be taking care their top priority? Sick adults and children who can actually do something good for others, or an unborn fetus born to someone who doesn%26#039;t want it anyway and will most likely malnourish/abuse it.. I really see something wrong with that belief.

It%26#039;s even funnier that conservatives claim liberals are hypocrites when just about everything they believe in is contradicted by another of their beliefs.

Anti political correctness, but censorships on people or things they personally don%26#039;t agree with? Right.

Lower taxes but gross amounts of money into %26quot;national defense%26quot; and the war on terror? Right.

Bought healthcare but anti-abortion? Right.

Try Reality: STILL with the hypocritical name. I pay for health insurance, I%26#039;ve been to the ER twice in the last 6 months and both times I sat there waiting for 2 hours+. So you obviously have no idea what you%26#039;re talking about since I live in a red state as well.

Universal health care?

People whom support this wacko idea os Hillary haven%26#039;t a clue what is going to happen....I hope they like the idea of waiting 3-4 hours at an emergency room to see a doctor....

I hope they like the idea of not being able to affford a specialist...they think that this will pay for everything,,,,IT WONT..just the basics and even then you will need a appointment but it may take 4 weeks to get to a doctor..emergency rooms will be crowed as people use them for colds and quick is a NIGHTMARE in countries that have versions of it...Canada England...why are the Dems so ignorant as to not learn from others....are they that arrogant that they think they can make something that has failed and never suceeded work here on a larger scale...fools

Universal health care?

Credit card changes were made because even then, too many were defaulting on repayment of said cards. Now it is much harder to do that as well as not repay.

I agree with the rest of what you say. I find it interesting that the protesters of yesteryear (%26#039;60%26#039;s) are now the yuppies of the baby boomer generation.

We should unite and make them pay back into the system. However, how do we make them put back all the social security funds they opened up and took to spend however they chose to? I mean social security was fine until politicians had a brain fart of an idea to use that money for government spending instead of it%26#039;s intended purpose.

You know it will all be just more thing they will pass along to any and all consumers anyway in some form or fashion.

Not to offend you Big_John, but they have put a price on ones life. Each body part is worth X amount too.

Universal health care?

Go study the Netherlands.

See how every %26quot;able-bodied%26quot; person has a job, and everyone has really good health care - not crappy health care.

It can be done. It%26#039;s not rocket science.

Universal health care?

You have no idea what you are talking about. The baby boomers had absolutely no control whatsoever when credit card companies when crazy giving credit to everybody under the sun. That happened in the mid 1970s. Baby boomers were only in their 20s then.

Why haven%26#039;t you mentioned the fact that 58,000 baby boomers were killed in Vietnam. Or the fact that almost 200,000 baby boomer Vietnam vets committed suicide within 10 years after the war. Or the fact that all totaled, about 3 million baby boomers went to Vietnam. None of these baby boomers made a single policy decision. They just had to go.

As someone else pointed out, at retirement the baby boomers get healthcare from the government. Why would a baby boomer give a hoot about it at this point.

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