How far would you draw the line? Should the government provide houses to all Americans? Do you want more of your money taken away by Uncle Sam to pay for food for all Americans? Yeah I know some people have food stamps but I said all Americans. There has to be a point where we stop and say %26quot;Yeah, that would be nice if we could afford it but now is not the time we can afford it%26quot;. Just because your neighbor can afford a luxury auto doesn%26#039;t mean you can. If you bought a car and defaulted on the loan they will still taake away the car from you and report it to a credit agency and the idea of saying %26quot;Well my neighbor Joe down the road has one too%26quot; won%26#039;t stop your credit from being bad. So, just because our neighbors (Canada or France in this case) have done it before doesn%26#039;t mean the US can do so now with our economy.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
28 million uninsured in this country are white and between the ages of 18 and 24. How many outside this group make over 50K? It%26#039;s interesting how the Democrats always throw around that 48 million figure, but no one ever prints the facts in the paper. Costs need to be addressed, but to tear down the best system in the world is ludicrous. These people who talk about Cuba%26#039;s system should move there. Maybe then they%26#039;d find out how the Communists throw around the propaganda.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
Government should be here to do what we CAN%26#039;T do for ourselves. Not things people WON%26#039;T do for themselves.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
Yes. They%26#039;ve done wonders with the IRS and the DMV, they should also control all the doctors and health issues too.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
yep I sure do. Comparing autos with health insurance is not the same.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
The VA should...if you want health coverage,join up , defend your country,experience true patriotism, and be rewarded for it in the future, or, your own....
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
The simple, irrefutable fact is that, in almost every endeavor, the private sector provides better products and services and more reliability than the government%26#039;s bureaucracy and red tape.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
Maybe we should stop money lending all together. Used to be considered wrong. I grew up in a family where we never used credit so I am used to living just as you have described. My first car was on credit and it drove me crazy having that over me. I know credit is a destructive thing. Unfortunately the world now isn%26#039;t an easy one to exist in without some credit.
As in a mortgage and car payment.
I think if we can buy a huge group health insurance policy then why not? It is cheaper that way. Just like when you buy it at work in larger groups. This would just be a much larger group. Plus less problems from letting disease progress to where it is real expensive.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
How would you do that?
Force doctors to be part of the federal government? Wouldn%26#039;t tax payers then be responsible for educating them? And, since they couldn%26#039;t make much, who would become a doctor?
Where does it end?
There are millions out there right now with coverage that still can%26#039;t afford to see a doctor... either because of the premiums or simply that there are no doctors in their area that accept their plan... What does any candidates%26#039; %26quot;coverage%26quot; plan do to help that?
Cover everyone. That is great. But what have you done about the cost and access to care?
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
The Preamble to The US Constitution says the purpose of the government is to provide for the national defence and public welfare. Health care defends people against injuries and illnesses that kill more of us each year than terrorists or foreign powers or criminals. Since I wouldn%26#039;t agree that we, the people, should not join together through the government to defend ourselves against crime and terrorists, I can%26#039;t agree either that we should not join together through government to protect ourselves against sickness and injury.
This doesn%26#039;t mean that government should socialize all medical care. Some people will still want private health care just as some still want private education or private detectives to protect them. Private sector and public sector services do coexist and should in the case of medical care.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
Yes, because insurance companies only want to insure the healthy. It%26#039;s about greed.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
C%26#039;mon, let%26#039;s not go to extremes here. The most important thing we have is our health. Agreed? Hope so. Universal Health Care systems have proven to work well in other countries. That%26#039;s why they are rated higher than we are in terms of health care. For other things like cars, houses, or some luxuries etc. etc., lets use our common sense here. If you work hard, get an education, you should be able to buy these things on your own. This is nowhere near important compared to health care. The government should not have any obligation to help. I think we can provide universal health care system without fear of becoming a socialist society. Other countries governments%26#039; have managed to do this without giving everything else away for free so people still have to work if they want to get the extras in life.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
Insurance companies has bought the government and abused is time for government to bring justice like they are supposed to.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
It would be to give to all Americans then to make uses war a gaines other country and have the world has our enemy
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
We can%26#039;t be the give all to everybody country. We need to tell our citizens that the way to make it here is to get an education, and work for whatever you want. I remember Bill Clinton when he was president saying he was going to change welfare as we see it now,never happened. People get free health care in the emergency room and it is costing our hospitals an exorbitant amount of money. I do believe in low income housing, but not for illegals. Whomever hire these people should provide there housing, not the city%26#039;s and state. As far as when you take out a loan, you either pay for it or loose it, no other choices. I%26#039;m a senior citizen and have never taken a hand out, no matter how tough times have been. that is the way I was taught and everyone else should be taught the same. Leave the welfare for the dis sabled and make everyone else work for it.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
I notice an answer above refers to the Preamble of the Constitution to support an answer in the affirmative.
The Preamble has no legal effect. It%26#039;s a Preamble. The legal authority for the federal government to act will be found in one of the Articles (as same might have been Amended), or it does not exist.
The bottom line is that health care is NOT in the Constitution. There is NO federal authority for it at all.
If you WANT it to be, that%26#039;s fine, propose an Amendment to allow it, and get that passed, but it is not in there now, and that trumps even debating whether or not it is a good idea, practical, or affordable.
Either the Constitution means something or it doesn%26#039;t. If it does, then federal health care isn%26#039;t possible. If it doesn%26#039;t, no amount of health care is going to protect your freedom from a government that has no limitations whatsoever.
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
Should the government provide health care for all Americans?
No need to indulge in socialist fantasies to vastly improve health care.
Things we are Constitutionally REQUIRED to do that would lower costs tremendously include:
enforce CONTRACT law so that legit claims do NOT get denied. We need to enforce ANTITRUST law so we taxpayers don%26#039;t keep getting taken to the cleaners with bogus costs. We also should reform all these unconstitutional federal programs--like Medicare--that don%26#039;t do anything for anyone other than big pharma.
When 75% of the people who declare bankruptcy over medical bills ARE INSURED, then insurance is CLEARLY not the answer.
%26quot;Aldrich閳ユ獨 situation is %26quot;asinine%26quot; but increasingly common, said Dr. Deborah Thorne of Ohio University. Thorne, co-author of a widely quoted 2005 study that found medical bills contributed to nearly half of the 1.5 million personal bankruptcies filed in the U.S. each year, said that ratio has likely worsened since the data was gathered.
Like Aldrich, Thorne said, three-quarters of the individuals in the study who declared bankruptcy because of health problems were insured. %26quot;
Linda Peeno, MD testified that SHE had often denied treatment JUST to save the insurance company money
%26quot;the vast majority of health insurance policies are through for-profit stock companies. They are in the process of 閳ユ笩hedding lives閳?as some term it when 閳ユ甫ndesirable閳?customers are lost through various means, including raising premiums and co-pays and decreasing benefits (Britt, 閳ユ窏ealth insurers getting bigger cut of medical dollars,閳?15 October 2004, That same Investors Business Daily article from 2004 noted the example of Anthem, another insurance company. They said the top five executives (not just the CEO) received an average of an 817 percent increase in compensation between 2000 and 2003. The CEO, for example, had his compensation go from $2.5 million to $25 million during that time period. About $21 million of that was in stock payouts, the article noted.
A 2006 article, 閳ユ矾.S. Health Insurance: More Market Domination, More CEO Compensation閳?br> ( notes that in 56 percent of 294 metropolitan areas one insurer 閳ユ竷ontrols more than half the business in health maintenance organization and preferred provider networks underwriting.%26quot; In addition to having the most enrollees, they also are the biggest purchasers of health care and set the price and coverage terms. 閳ユ壕鈧┏he results is double-digit premium increases from 2001 and 2004閳ユ攽eaking with a 13.9 percent jump in 2003閳ユ敃oaring well above inflation and wages increases.閳?quot; Where is all that money going? The article quotes a Wall Street Journal article looking at the compensation of the CEO of UnitedHealth Group. His salary and bonus is $8 million annually. He has benefits such as the use of a private jet. He has stock-option fortunes worth $1.6 billion.%26quot;
--Save America, Save the World by Cassandra Nathan pp. 127-128
%26quot;Insurance Companies Robbing Patients
Robbing patients to pay CEOs leads to unprecedented medical insurance corporation greed.
Thursday, January 3, 2008 8:52 AM
By: Michael Arnold Glueck %26amp; Robert J. Cihak, The Medicine Men%26quot;
Oh and let%26#039;s stop a little something INSANE called %26quot;compassionate entry%26quot;:
%26quot;Dickson emphasizes that not all the free care is going to illegal aliens passing through on their way to other states. About half goes to Mexicans who use the Copper Queen as their personal emergency-care facility. In effect, the hospital, which performs general surgery, has become the trauma center for that stretch of northern Mexico. If an ambulance pulls up to the border-crossing point near Bisbee and announces %26quot;compassionate entry,%26quot; the border patrol waves it through, and the Copper Queen is compelled to treat the patient. It is one more program that Congress mandates but does not pay for. %26quot;If you make me treat someone,%26quot; says Dickson, %26quot;then you need to pay me. You can%26#039;t have unfunded mandates in a small hospital.%26quot; Although the Medicare drug act that passed last year provides for modest payments to hospitals that treat illegal aliens, Dickson says there is a catch that the U.S. government has yet to figure out. %26quot;How do I document an undocumented alien? How am I going to prove I rendered that care? They have no Social Security number, no driver%26#039;s license.%26quot;
How about a sensible, FREE MARKET plan that would not only reform ALL government-run health care ON THE WAY TO PRIVATIZING IT, but address the above problems and more:
the NEED for more homegrown, US-educated doctors and nurses (we turn away THOUSANDS of well-qualified students each year, while for doctors, our system REQUIRES because of so few docs being allowed into med school, that 25% of ALL our residencies be filled by graduates of foreign med schools. Not only is that stupid for OUR patients, but it%26#039;s THEFT from countries that ALSO have doctor shortages. AKA evil.)
Reduce costs to med students--student loans now average $130K upon graduation--that%26#039;s stupid when we give slackers highly subsidized rides through college even if they keep flunking or take pointless classes like Women%26#039;s Studies at OUR expense. We HAVE the money to get more med schools, dental schools, nursing programs--stop WASTING it on PC idiocy.
Reduce prescription drug costs by BULK BUYING so it doesn%26#039;t hurt pharma which does spend a lot in R%26amp;D but doesn%26#039;t break the backs of some 80-year-old struggling to stay alive.
That sensible plan?
That means preventative care (physical with follow up). Real medication (no Medicare %26quot;donut holes%26quot; the really ill are ripped off again.) No bogus ridiculously low %26quot;caps%26quot; on needed medical procedures. No abuse of the ER. No paying for the silly with the sniffles to go to the doc for free. No more bankruptcies over medical bills. I want THIS plan that ends abuse of the taxpayer, takes the burden off employers, provides price transparency, and ends the rip-off of the US taxpayer at the hands of greedy insurance CEOs (which has been repeatedly documented).
Read the PDF, not the blurb, for the bulk of the plan. Book is searchable on
Cassandra Nathan%26#039;s Save America, Save the World
It means after the physical and follow-up you PAY YOUR OWN WAY until med expenses become an actual BURDEN, then insurance kicks in--exactly as it was designed HUNDREDS of years ago when people had more common sense.
Nothing socialist, but would actually WORK.
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